

Volunteer with ILTA!
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Bylaws Committee  
Kathy Hulbert, Chair, 
The Bylaws Committee considers all proposals to amend and may on its own propose amendments to the bylaws of the Association.

Convention Committee 
Kelli Buckley, Chair,
The Convention Committee works with the president and the Board to plan the annual convention. The committee works closely with the Education Committee to make sure the convention offers suitable education courses as well as plans all the social events of the convention. The committee also makes sure that Association business is addressed at convention per the bylaws. Typically, the president recommends the convention format and theme, putting their own brand on the convention for the year of their presidency. 

Cyber Security Committee
Adam Gwaltney, Chair,
The Cyber Security Committee researches tech solutions for small and large agents and brings information on the latest industry trends to the membership through webinars and seminars. 

DEI: Grow, Connect, and Belong Committee
Cullen Marshall, Co-Chair,
Kim Fields, Co-Chair,

The Grow, Connect, and Belong Committee celebrates and affirms the diversity of its members, creating an open, welcoming, and inclusive culture that benefits from the ability to freely share knowledge, ideas, and experiences. The committee further seeks to educate and enhance the understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion, its importance to the title insurance industry, and how it can foster a diverse community of professionals who come together, support one another, and find success. 

Education Committee

Kellie Stanley Boston, Chair,
The Education Committee plans, organizes, and promotes various live education seminars and other offerings throughout the year. The committee also considers the online offerings of the Association each year, recommending changes and upgrades as needed. Finally, the committee plans the education portion of the annual convention, such as contacting and arranging speakers, and coordinating content.  

Government Affairs Committee 

Amanda Krenson, Chair,
The Government Affairs Committee investigates and reviews state legislation and regulations affecting the interests and concerns of underwriter and agency operations of the land title industry and reports to the Board either personally or by mail, email, or other generally accepted means of communication.

Indiana Title Political Action Committee 
Matt Russell, Chair,
The ITPAC committee promotes the interests of the Association in accordance with state and pertinent federal legislation. The committee coordinates fundraising efforts at ILTA events throughout the year, as well as at the annual convention.
Membership Committee 
Gina Pemberton, Chair,
The Membership Committee tries to increase the number of members in the Association through solicitation of new members. The committee also processes and approves or denies applications for membership as set out in the bylaws. The chairperson is responsible for reporting its findings to the Board.  
New Wave Committee 
Vince Kesic, Chair,
The NWC includes all members new to the title industry. This committee organizes social and networking activities for new title professionals and other members throughout the year as well as at the annual convention. This committee also advises the Education Committee on relevant topics for upcoming educational events geared toward new title professionals and their professional development.
Sponsorship Committee 
David Bolton, Chair,
The Sponsorship Committee solicits sponsorships each year from existing sponsors and prospective sponsors. 

See something you want to be a part of? Contact the Executive Director Bethany Paden at or 317-842-6266 to sign up or for more information!

What is ILTA?

A lot has changed in our industry, but our strong commitment to our members remains the same. Since its formation in 1907, the Indiana Land Title Association has worked to protect the land title industry in Indiana. Amid the changing regulations and the ups and downs of the market, ILTA has stood by its members to offer high-quality education, networking opportunities, and legislative advocacy. We stand for the highest principles of professionalism and consumer protection, advocating for the safe and efficient transfer of real property. A home is likely the largest investment any individual will make in his or her lifetime, and by ensuring accurate searches, promoting fair and professional closings, and supporting important insurance coverages, ILTA protects Indiana consumers' property rights.