Our Purpose

Our Purpose

The Indiana Land Title Association (ILTA) is the leading membership and advocacy organization for the state’s land title industry. Founded in 1907 and serving a growing base of members across the Hoosier state, ILTA provides the educational opportunities, networking, and advocacy support land title professionals need to navigate this dynamic field with success for their business, colleagues, and consumers! Our members reflect the full spectrum of the land title field from title insurance underwriting companies, attorneys, lenders, abstractors, surveyors, and other professionals who work with the real estate and land title industry.

  • Uniquely equipped to offer Insurance Continuing Education and Continuing Legal Education to its members.

  • Focused on cultivating strong ties with legislators and other stakeholders to ensure policies reflect the highest principles of professionalism and consumer protection - culminating with the safe and efficient transfer of real property and the protection of property rights.

  • A diverse community of land title and real estate professionals who come together to elevate the industry in Indiana and support one another.

ILTA is an IRS 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization and operates the Indiana Political Action Committee (ITPAC). The organization is affiliated with the national political action committee Title Industry Political Action Committee (TIPAC) and the American Land Title Association (ALTA.)

What is ILTA?

A lot has changed in our industry, but our strong commitment to our members remains the same. Since its formation in 1907, the Indiana Land Title Association has worked to protect the land title industry in Indiana. Amid the changing regulations and the ups and downs of the market, ILTA has stood by its members to offer high-quality education, networking opportunities, and legislative advocacy. We stand for the highest principles of professionalism and consumer protection, advocating for the safe and efficient transfer of real property. A home is likely the largest investment any individual will make in his or her lifetime, and by ensuring accurate searches, promoting fair and professional closings, and supporting important insurance coverages, ILTA protects Indiana consumers' property rights.