Leadership & Staff
Leadership & Staff
ILTA leadership represents title professionals from various backgrounds and interests. With the shared vision of elevating the title industry, ILTA seeks to have Officers, Board of Governors, and Staff that are reflective of its membership.
2024 ILTA Officers
President | President-Elect | Vice-President |
Michael Schmitz | Brandi Halcomb | Barbie Hulett |
Metropolitan Title of Indiana | First American Title Insurance | Aames Title & Closing |
mschmitz@metrotci.com | bhalcomb@firstam.com | barbie@aamestitle.com |
Treasurer | Immediate Past President | |
Stan Czaja | Kyle Sommers | |
WFG National Title Insurance | Pulaski County Abstract Co., Inc. | |
sczaja@wfgtitle.com | kyle@pulaskicountyabstract.com |
2024 ILTA Board of Governors
At Large Governor | At Large Governor | At Large Governor |
Ruthann E. M. Stenger | Nina Walls | Bryan Steckler |
Dearborn Title Insurance, Inc. | TitlePlus! | FNF Family of Companies |
ruthann.stenger@deaborntitle.com | nina.walls@titleplus.com | bryan.steckler@fnf.com |
At Large Governor | Agents Section Chair | Underwriters Section Chair |
Jeffrey H. Bosse | Adrienne McCollister | Kim Fields |
Bosse Title Company | Metropolitan Title of Indiana | WFG National Title Insurance |
jeff.bosse.2@jeffbosse.com | amccollister@metrotci.com | kfields@wfgtitle.com |
ILTA Staff
Executive Director | Legislative Consultant |
Bethany Paden | Charles Hiltunen |
Indiana Land Title Association | Third House Advocacy |
admin@indianalandtitle.org | chiltunen@me.com |